Course review


Course review of "Introduction to data science for absolute beginners" (115066), winter 2020/2021, 5 February 2021. Download the PDF version here:!AhEvK3qWokrvhfQgP-ueUq6KgJzxkw - See also the introductory video for new students (= sales pitch):

NOTE: (1) the plot examples come from Irizarry (CRC Press 2020). However, the code uses not just ggplot2 but also the dplyr package. In the course, I only teach ggplot2 but not Tidyverse packages (like dplyr) because I believe, with Norman Matloff ("TidyverseSceptic") that beginners should not start with the Tidyverse but with generic functions - and ggplot2 (because of the useful, and rather intuitive "Grammar of Graphics" methodology). (2) I mention that we used "8 platforms" but I only named 6 of them. The other ones were: the HWR media platform, and Podcasts. However, absolutely everything was accessible from Moodle.