Privacy Statement for HWR Berlin media page

1. Privacy Statement

You can only use this media page if you own a valid user's account issued by the IT department. If you have any problems with your user account in general please contact the IT-Hotline .

To use this media page it is necessary that the following user data will be elevated and stored in an intern data base: Your name, e-Mail, user name and password. You can add more information, like a profile picture, by choice.

By using this platform, your activity will be recorded in a protocol ("log files") on the server for 6 months and deleted afterwards. This data is only accessible by the administrators of this page, which are selected staff of the IT department from HWR Berlin. Sensitive data, like passwords, can never be seen by the administrators of this page.

According to § 6 passage 1 No. 1 of "Berliner Hochschulgesetz (BerlHG)" all personal information are only being processed for the usage of this media platform, will never be shared with third person or used for any purpose other than the stated one. The data is elevated, stored and processed according to § 6 passage 1 of "Berliner Datenschutzgesetz".

Your user account with all of your personal information will be deleted at the same time as your general user account of HWR Berlin is deactivated. You can manually delete your account on this platform any time by clicking "edit profile -> delete account". Deleting your profile will also delete your uploaded media, but not the records in the log files, which will be deleted after 6 months.

The server of this media platform is hosted by and located in the IT department of HWR Berlin. There is no exchange with any third party.